Episode 513 – No more commute!

This week, a heap more stories submitted by Paul Sutton.
This underwater housing conveniently displays a logo for the as-yet-unannounced-and-unreleased Sony A7IV.
Mistake… or clickbait?

Yongnuo’s new YN455 Android-based camera.

A video and blog post that go into the differences between global shutters and rolling shutters.

Some tips on how to capture good waterfall photographs.

Antelope Canyon. We’d all love to shoot it, but just how unique will your images be?

The Hubble Telescope apparently needs a reboot.

Zach Sutton (no relation to Paul) reviews the Fujifilm GFX 100s.

A feel-good story about a deaf AND blind guy who not only shoots images, but prints them in a way that other blind people can enjoy them!

Glynn found another guy to go on “the list”. Some cracking good nature photography here!

Two genres walk into a bar…. you won’t believe what happens next!
Mixing UrbEx with a consistent visual element.

And Fujifilm to shift their focus (no pun intended) away from photography and into pharmaceuticals…. but they WILL keep their photography interests.

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And thanks heaps!


Bruce Williams

I have been a professional audio engineer since the mid 80's and am happy to do for free in my spare time what I get paid to do during the week. I created Shutters Inc in May 2005, and it is today (as best as I can tell) THE longest-running photography podcast in the world.

One thought on “Episode 513 – No more commute!

  • July 19, 2021 at 11:53

    Thank you for the call out gents, and for your concern for my mental well being. Rest assured I am receiving the appropriate assistance. I just need to keep them gainfully employed.

    As for the medium format camera GFX100s, which while true I do lust over, it does not meet my needs for the type of photography I prefer. My first love is to take the thing underwater, which means that the size and speed of the device are of main importance. When adding a AUD15K housing (plus lens ports plus focus rings) it just puts it too far out of my budget. Additionally I like to take my camera bush walking. The Fuji full frame is too slow (according to the review) and too heavy for my poor back to carry. I do carry lighter m43 lenses, and body with me when walking. if my needs were different I would be all over this thing like white on rice. Additionally I hate editing and processing my photos, so having larger size files just adds additional prickles to the equation.

    In short object of lust for me, but does not suit my photographic needs or styles.

    I would love to be able to rent one, for a weekend, and try astro and light painting with it, just to see how good it is for light gathering. You may have heard larger format more light gathering, I am happy to test the theory.

    Keep up the good work gents, thank you again.


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