Episode 460 – We’re BACK for 2020!

We’re back for 2020!
Over the break, I came across this video of George Williams (no relation) explaining his lighting, shooting, and editing process for his image of the De Tomaso P72.

I also got out and shot with Kate around the Wisemans Ferry region of New South Wales. Here’s the couple of those pics that I sent to Glynn.

Glynn had lots to talk about, including his new NAS server,
his new smart home tech,
his new video travel series,
trying to organise his next India trip,
New Think Tank weatherproof gear,
this archival video from 1896, which was up-scaled to 4k 60p and looks awesome,
plus another depressing look at the state of the photography industry.

And Adam sent us a bunch of stuff (which we’ll try and get to next episode!), but Glynn did want to talk about one of those stories.
Filmic doubletake is a free app that lets you shoot with two different iphone cameras at the same time.

And then, of course, there’s the issue of the future of Shutters Inc as a podcast.
I’ve, so far, invested 15 years of my spare time into this, and need to think about whether the investment of time is worth what I get out of it.
Financially, I’m waaaay down the hole at this point.
But I’ve certainly enjoyed the banter, the critiques, and having met some of the Australian contingent of listeners. And one of the (former?) international listeners.
But in terms of numbers….
Youtube…. 18 months…. 5000+ subscribers
Shutters Inc…. 15 years…. about 2500 listeners
You can probably understand why I’m starting to question upon which projects I spend my time!
So, there is now a patreon account for the podcast. You can hit it up right here:
Shutters Inc on Patreon
If you don’t want to see this podcast disappear, please consider chipping in.
Minimum support level is just $5 a month, whic works out to just over $1 per episode. Higher levels of support are there for those with the means and the will, and come with absolutely life-changing benefits. No, REALLY! 🙂


Bruce Williams

I have been a professional audio engineer since the mid 80's and am happy to do for free in my spare time what I get paid to do during the week. I created Shutters Inc in May 2005, and it is today (as best as I can tell) THE longest-running photography podcast in the world.

One thought on “Episode 460 – We’re BACK for 2020!

  • February 15, 2020 at 13:58

    Sorry to hear things may be winding down here. This is my fave photography podcast. I like how we really get to know you and about your lives. It sounds though like you aren’t really having fun at this anymore. Feels like your heart isn’t in it anymore. If this show isn’t something either of you look forward to doing each week anymore then I would say turn off the lights. If you Patreon the show would you then be keeping it going for the love of it? You should love it.

    Whatever happen…thanks for all the laughs.

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